May 14, 2020


#141 BONUS - Run (Through) The Jewels

#141 BONUS - Run (Through) The Jewels
Audioface: Music News, Reviews, & Culture
#141 BONUS - Run (Through) The Jewels

May 14 2020 | 00:45:48


Show Notes

On this bonus episode of Audioface, a quick history of one of modern rap's best duos. Fan-favorite guest host Tami joins Dan on a journey through Run The Jewels. Follow Tami and her awesome Spotify playlists here! 

Run The Jewels 4 drops on June 5, and will be reviewed on Audioface soon afterwards. You won't want to miss that episode, so make sure you're subscribed to us wherever you're listening to podcasts. Check out Sean and Dan's respective 2020 playlists on Spotify for their favorites of the year so far. Follow @audiofacepod on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube for extra Audioface. We appreciate it, and you.

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